Friday, June 29, 2012

Prometheus review-The most disapointing director come back since "The Phantom Menace"

The problem with 2012 "Prometheus" is that it assumed it would be a success.  To use a basketball analogy this movie already began getting ready for the next season before winning the championship.  One of the good byproducts of this film is that it has been able to create audience discussion.  Sharing ideas, personal interpretations and alternate takes on the material.  The film is really good in the beginning especially with the David character.  It goes off the rails when the score kicks in.  The score contradicts the established tone at the beginning of the film.

I understand that the engineers are responsible for the creation of life but if they are so advanced why is it necessary for them to ritually take kill themselves?  If you pose a question in the story you should at least make an attempt to answer it, this film does not pull you in.  The greatest thing it had going for it was the mystery.

I understand why this film was released overseas first.  Typically foreign audiences are more open to stories of personal interpretations, especially in Europe but American audiences want answers.  The success of Christopher Noland's "Inception" proves that there is a market for intelligent science fiction.  So I do not understand why the story is uneven in it's quality.

Let me say this hate it, love it, despise it this film will make its money back its not "John Carter" Ridley's going to live to film another day.  One thing this film did right was establish the origin of the Xenomorph I like the biological weapon nature of the creature and its creation from the all purpose goo.  I like this twist, forget the 3D or the weak characters this was some good stuff.  It establishes the accidental creation of the Xenomorph.


The formula:  All purpose goo+Human DNA+Large facehugger creature +Engineer DNA=Proto Xenomorph 

Movie Grade C-