Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project Ink Tattoo mini documentary

I finally finished my Project Ink documentary it was a nightmare because of creative differences and promises that never really came through so I decided to take matters into my own hands.  I had access to a fast Internet connection that speeds up the upload because the final edit came out to 25 minutes I ended up breaking it up into 3 parts. 

Ultimately I'm happy with it considering I made the best of the limited equipment at my disposal.  I'm also happy that I didn't make into something that it wasn't.  The footage I used is the best I shot we were originally supposed to shoot for a month but that was TOO AMBITIOUS for people who work a full time gig that wasn't possible and the fact that my producer didn't have personal transportation.

 Basically I got frustrated for carrying most of the weight and had to walk away..... but at least its done it'll be my last film for awhile because right now I'm going through tough times so until I buy another camera this is going to be it for now I look at it like most things in life as a learning experience.... turbulence indeed!

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