Monday, July 2, 2012

Boycott "The Amazing Spider Man" movement movie goers are sick of reboots and remakes we're not going to take it any more!!!!!!

This is just my opinion but I think we should all boycott the Spider Man reboot.  Don't give your money to this, why you ask? Because Sony decided to create an inferior film as a cash grab to hold onto the property rights.  They parted ways with Ram and McGuire because they didn't want to create crap. WB was smart enough to let Noland do his thing.  Imagine if they micro managed Noland would we have "The Dark Knight" .... no we wouldn't.
Show your support and spread the word if your feeling me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't worry you're not the only one to feel revolted, but what do you want ? the world is overpopulated with stupid people that are ready to sell their intelligence for small time entertainment