Monday, July 8, 2013

White House Down 2013 review C+

What started out as a well thought out political thriller ended on a low note for me.  Roland Emmerich's latest foray into the destruction genre has yielded a pretty standard piece of entertainment.  " White House Down" was viewed by MC at North Hollywood's Laemmle theater a nice venue for movies, small intimate definitely getting the MC stamp of approval.  Unfortunately the same cannot be given to this movie's main character Carl played by Channing Tatum.        

 He is the typical working parent unable to maintain a good relationship with his daughter.  Carl is interviewing for a positing in the President's secret service detail he is denied because he has a record of not finishing anything he starts.  This theme is the set up to why Carl is committed to getting his daughter back at the end.

The White House is taken over by a ruthless gang of mercenaries eager to start World War 3.  The movie reveals the President's hired help to be a bunch of bad shots and woefully unprepared for a surprise attack.  I doubt such disorganization would exist in reality but it fun to see how such an attack would play out.  It was fun seeing what all the hi-tech White House gadgetry can do.  Jamie Foxx plays a nerdy President derivative of our current Commander and Chief President Obama.

 He does a good job without getting overly political and staying inspirational but I don't think I'm going to vote Jamie Foxx for President anytime soon because he's best when he's laying flawed and broken characters not politicians.   I 'm giving this movie a C+ because of the annoying daughter Tatum is figuratively going through hell trying to rescue.  I found her antics insufferable along with the armature visual effects work dollar show this movie.


flowlogic said...

I agree, for a more interesting less fictionized comedy about the invasion on the white house, I recommend"Olympus has fallen". This film released earlier this year, will surely fill you appetite for an action thriller. White house down c plus,Olympus has fallen A -.

Dan O. said...

Enjoy what you see and get, and not what you feel like it could be. Good review Rob.

Ramadan said...

I don't know who rates these movies, but all the English movies are rated as good or above average. This movie is pathetic and horrendous. The reviewer should actually learn about good cinema before giving these ratings.

Black Arrow said...

@ Ramadan thank you for taking the time to review my review I stand by it. The movie isn't that bad just gets ridiculous towards the end. The little girl was the most annoying part thanks for reading.