Monday, November 2, 2009

Filmmaking and the art of social networking ----whats good enough for Obama is good enough for Indy Filmmakers!!!

I recently picked up a copy of Movie Maker magazine this issue had a section about networking sites for filmmakers to network on. I decided to try them out. After creating user names and such I tried to uploaded my films but have been met with nearly endless technical difficulties. A word of advice if your film is over 2GB get that baby down to 2 gig because all these sites take a maximum of 2 gigs including YouTube! And make sure that your film has no copywrited material in it. You can get away with it on YouTube but it aint going to happen on facebook… trust me. My producer TV is a very good networking sight, and if you’re in LA check out Indy Filmmakers they have mixers every now and then just remember no matter how much you get your film out there a shit film is still a shit film no matter how you cut it as McKee eloquently put it story is king when production rolls it is far too late to solve story problems in the 4th quarter get that shit tight my fellow filmmakers tight meaning great characters and a logical story don’t trust friends let strangers read it… if they’re don’t read the whole script cover to cover and ask you about the sequel then you have failed as a story architect. Screenwriting is like cooking gotta taste the sauce and put a little soul in it our job is to entertain, educate and motivate people to action.

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